





未来的急诊医师, 泰勒费德里科•, has big goals and she has chosen Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) as her starting place.

从小在家上学, the Fairton-Bridgeton resident had an early glimpse at the college experience when her mother, 米歇尔费德里科•, began attending 坎伯兰 County College (now RCSJ's 坎伯兰 campus) when her daughter was ten. The pair chatted about their respective lessons often, sparking a love of learning. 当她2019年高中毕业时, 她跟随母亲的脚步进入了RCSJ.

“It was pretty amazing to watch my mom get her degree here," remembered Federico. “另外,我选择了坎伯兰的RCSJ,因为它价格实惠. 我有佩尔助学金,这对我和我的家人来说真的是一种宝贵的祝福. 我没有债务,而且学校离家很近."

With her long-held interest in giving back to her community through the medical profession, 费德里科被RCSJ的生物科学副学士课程所吸引. After completing her entrance exam to find her math score was not as high as she had hoped, she took advantage of summer classes at RCSJ that put her on-track to register as a full-time STEM student the following fall.

“我想成为你不应该放弃的榜样,”她说. “Girls who are thinking about a career in STEM shouldn't let anyone talk them out of it, 即使他们的成绩并不完美, 因为成绩总是可以提高的. Get yourself together and take some summer courses; just don't give up. 这就是胜利."

为成功打下基础, Federico also decided to pursue an Alcohol and Drug Counseling certificate in addition to her Biological Science degree. She thought that it would help her relate to future patients – both with and without substance abuse issues – and polish up her people skills.

“我真的认为了解人们很重要,”她解释道. “在证书课程中, I'm taking these sociology classes which help me understand how to better communicate with people who have many different diseases and disorders."

大学让费德里科家的女人更亲密了, as mother provided daughter tips on all the best classes and her favorite professors. 她鼓励女儿积极主动, 在她需要帮助的时候寻求帮助, and take advantage of every opportunity that came her way – something Federico took to heart.

她花额外的时间去了解她的教授, attended every on-campus event she could and took on the role of social media coordinator for the campus' Student Government Association. Federico also became an eager participant in the STEM Club – an organization for which she currently serves as president and an eager recruiter.

“我不管你的专业是什么,你应该加入STEM俱乐部,”她滔滔不绝地说. “科学、技术、工程、数学——都很神奇! 你永远不知道什么时候会有用."

A huge fan of the free academic resources at RCSJ who is on a first-name basis with Tutoring Center staff, Federico embraced opportunities to pay it forward to her fellow students as she progressed in her studies. She took on paid student worker positions as a STEM Pathways mentor and an academic coach, 并在鼓励其他学生的过程中获得了巨大的满足感, 指导他们, 看着他们的成绩飙升.

“I'm very passionate about helping people – especially my peers," said Federico. “我想帮忙,因为我刚上大学的时候需要帮助. 我站在他们的立场上." 

费德里科仍然有时间致力于自己的学术进步. She is a participant in the 坎伯兰 Bridge to Rowan (CB2R) program – a competitive, 针对弱势学生的生物医学研究项目, made possible by the College's premier partnership with Rowan University and funding through the National Institute of Health. 该项目提供科学技能训练营, 研究研讨会, 研讨会系列, 专业学术课程, 参加和出席医学研讨会的机会, 并在大二期间获得有偿研究经验. Federico was also assigned a mentor of her own, to help keep her inspired and on-track.

“我要感谢CB2R, 因为没有它,我就不会站在这里, 作为一个生物科学专业的学生,费德里科承认. “我爱我的导师,辛西娅. I always ask her questions about all of my school activities and my academic plans."

CB2R has opened Federico's eyes to the importance of research within the medical fields, 如何理解和整合新的发现, 对医生来说,学习是一生的使命. She credits the program for helping her to better understand the threat of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and become more vigilant in keeping herself and her loved ones safe and healthy, 也.

“Research programs like CBR2 allow RCSJ students to begin building an academic network of peers and mentors, while providing insight into areas of cutting-edge research that will shape their future professions,黛安娜·特蕾斯解释道, 学院的STEM系主任. “另外, the skills built through these research opportunities are an asset to students as they move on to four-year institutions and eventually into the job market."

Federico今年五月从RCSJ毕业, in a 毕业典礼 ceremony where she will be recognized as “Outstanding Student of the Year" on the 坎伯兰 campus. She plans to follow CB2R's path to Rowan University for her bachelor's degree this fall, before heading to either the Rowan School of Medicine or Cooper Medical School at Rowan University for her doctorate. 最终, she plans to return to 坎伯兰 County to give back to her community through a career in emergency medicine. 即使有那么多的期待, 费德里科承认,她会怀念在RCSJ读书的时光.

“RCSJ is there for you; they're your support system. 我的导师、教授和工作人员都给予了我祝福和帮助.费德里科想。. “我告诉大家要好好利用这所学校. 那是一所很棒的大学. 我爱它,我会想念它的."

找到适合你的专业 RCSJ.edu/Degrees 或访问 RCSJ.edu/AcademicSupport 了解CB2R和其他学术支持项目.
